Friday, 2 February 2018

How German Beer Steins are Made

You’ve seen them if you’re of German heritage, visited Germany, or have an interest in German culture-- beer steins are absolutely beautiful and functional pieces of art. Have you ever wondered how German beer steins are made? In this post we will go over how a ceramic stein is made these days.

The first step in making a ceramic beer stein is by putting clay into a mold. Hard clay or liquid clay are used depending on what design is in the mold as some states of clay work better for certain shapes. Once the clay has been added, they are left to dry until they are of the correct consistency. The mold is then removed to expose the sculpted unpainted body of a beer stein. Before moving forward, the stein is inspected and refined by a skilled potter, and stamped with “made in Germany” and the name of the company. After this step a thin layer of paint is added (thin over the background and thicker over the relief) and then wiped off to contrast the outlines of the artwork. After drying, the stein is then coated in a glaze that turns into glass under heat.

The stein, along with many other steins, is then put into an oven for its first firing. It is in the oven for 12 hours and then is cooled down for 12 hours as well, for a total time of 24 hours for this round of oven-time. After it is properly cooled down, the stein is then passes onto an incredibly skilled painter who carefully paints in the details by hand. At this point of the process decals, if any, are also added. Another layer of glaze is added to the beer stein and then sent in for its second round of firing. This time the stein only needs to be in the oven for 6 hours.

The last step in making a German beer stein is adding a beautiful pewter lid. Typically the lids are not attached in the same facilities that the steins were made, but are sent to an expert in the same town.

There you have it! The basics of how a German beer stein is made. Are you in the marker for a German beer stein? Check out AllSteins! is a website that specializes in imported German hand crafted beer steins from the most famous brands. AllSteins is owned by Ernst Licht Imports, the top US importer of German goods. Visit - German Lederhosen

German Beer Steins 101

We’ve covered many facets of German culture and tradition, but what we haven’t really broken down yet are German beer steins. First, let me clarify that the term “beer stein” isn’t used within Germany, but rather outside of Germany. In Germany a beer stein would be called a “Steinkrug” or just “Krug”. The first part of “Steinkrug” is where we get “beer stein” from. It literally means “Stoneware jug/mug”. Beer steins could be made from a few different materials such as earthenware, pewter, wood, ceramics, crystal, porcelain, creamware, silver, or glass. Aside from being made from varying materials, beer steins also come in different liquid capacities. They can be 1/4L (liter) to more than 1L, however they are typically around ½L. The classic beer stein look we recognize today was introduced to Germany in the 14th century when a lid was added for sanitary reasons. Since the plague was running rampant during the time, Germans were directed to use drink containers with lids to keep out any potential hazards such as flies which carried the plague.

When you imagine a beer stein what comes to mind? The ornate pewter lids and detailed handcrafted art on the body? They were not originally such intricate items. In the 14th century beer steins were rather plain and one colour. Overtime etching, engraving, sculpting, and carefully hand painting the steins become more and more common. The trademark look did not really take hold of the beer stein world until the 17th century. Once the beer steins did become more decorative, the steins became easier to distinguish by region as each region had their own style.

German beer steins today are very collectible and are very treasured by many people around the world; there is a big market for them! Why not take a look for yourself? is a website that specializes in imported German hand crafted beer steins from the most famous brands. All Steins is owned by Ernst Licht Imports, the top US importer of German goods. Get out there and get yourself a beautiful stein! Visit - German Lederhosen

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Facts About Authentic Lederhosen

So by now most of us know about Lederhosen and what they are, and if you haven’t… then… well what are you doing on this website? All joking aside, lederhosen are very famous and recognized worldwide. Have you ever been curious to learn more about the Bavarian-born breeches? In this article we will cover a few facts about Lederhosen and their history.

Although originally intended for use by men, lederhosen are worn by women as well

Lederhosen were first made as an answer to problem Bavarian men faced at the time: having bottoms that can withstand the rigorous manual labour men at the time were expected to complete. Lederhosen, made of high-quality leather, were also easy to clean off after a day of hard work. This convenient feature, along with the sturdiness for use in manual labour, lead to the lederhosen success with men across not only Bavaria, but all of Europe as well. Traditionally, lederhosen were worn by men but nowadays you can also find lederhosen clad women at festivals like Oktoberfest. This is due to the semi-recent availability of styles more suited to the female body. In fact, one of the most popular types of lederhosen for women at the moment are heart pocket lederhosen-- as the name suggests, lederhosen with heart shapes for pockets!

100% Bavarian-made Lederhosen are rarer than you think

Although you can definitely find traditional Bavarian made lederhosen easily, the origin of the leather itself might be from somewhere else. In fact, many lederhosen today are made from leather imported from India and Hungary. Bavarian grown and tanned leather is much rarer, and therefore even more expensive.

There are many types and styles of lederhosen are available

You could find so many different styles and variations of Lederhosen; different embroidery, different colour, different types of leather, etc. Because of this, Lederhosen may cost anywhere from €100 to €1000. You can have a very simplistic pair of lederhosen with just the essentials, or an incredibly extravagant pair with intricate embroidery and customizations. There are also two types of suspenders, people choose the "V"-style and the "H"-style, in a colourfully embroidered patterns. 

Now that you know a little bit more about Lederhosen, are you now in the market for your own pair of authentic lederhosen? German-Lederhosen are your answer! We are a subdivision of Ernst Licht Imports, a top US importer of German goods. Visit our online shop, or stop in to one of our brick-and-mortar stores today! 

How to Choose the Best Traditional Lederhosen

Every culture has their celebrated time-honoured heritage. Included in this heritage are traditional clothes that serve as a representative face to the culture. In Korea this is the Handbook, in Spain this is Traje de Flamenco, and in Germany this is Lederhosen and Dirndls. These two variations of traditional dress are highly esteemed Bavarian outfits. A Dirndl is a colourful dress with a corset, blouse, and an apron. Lederhosen are a brown leather pants that are paired with matching leather suspenders. Sound familiar? These are the traditional outfits that are famously seen at Oktoberfest in Germany and all around the world!

Going to Oktoberfest you? Have a German club meeting? You’ll need a pair of Lederhosen or a Dirndl! If you need Lederhosen that are authentic and well-made, you must first do a bit of homework on what to look for. The number one complaint we hear about Lederhosen and Dirndls that people have purchased online is that the item they received is low quality-- similar to that of a cheap Halloween costume. We find that people who experience this inconvenience do not know what to look for when shopping for traditional Lederhosen and Dirndls. We’ve compiled a few simple things to note while in the market for a bonfire pair of Lederhosen, or a gorgeous and intricately made Dirndl.

1.       Make note of the price.

This one is a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people think they’ve found a good deal when really they’ve just sacrificed the quality of the item. You want to stay in the $100 and above range, anything under this price will likely be ill-fitting or easily torn. You want good quality leather, and sturdy quality leather is going to be a little more on the pricey side.

2.       Make note of the site.

Take a close look at the site you are buying from. What is the company name? Are they well known in the industry? Do a Google search for their company name. Your best bet for finding high quality traditional German clothing is by choosing a reliable brand, one that is recognizable. For example, the Lederhosen you find on German-Lederhosen are by Ernst Licht. What or who is Ernst Licht? A quick Google search would show that they are the top US importer of German goods. Also make note of the customer service provided from the site, and where is the customer service coming from? You want to pick a site that seems available across many platforms (preferably over the phone, and make sure the number is in your country code!)

3.       Take note of the materials and origin.

You have to look out for the material of the item you want to purchase because this will be the biggest aide in finding out if your items will look cheap in person. For Lederhosen, you want to look for COW SUEDE/LEATHER for sturdiness and for use at Oktoberfest or German club gatherings. For use in Bavarian dance troupes you want to look out for GOAT SUEDE/LEATHER. Any other material will immediately render the Lederhosen unauthentic. If you are buying a Dirndl it can be a little trickier to determine the quality based off of materials alone, as most dirndls are made with 100% polyester. In the case of dirndls, it is best to go back to making note of the price and the site from which you are buying. Also make sure to look for the origin of the piece. Is it imported from Germany? Made in the US?

So there you have it! Three easy to follow basics for purchasing high quality German attire. We can actually make it even easier for you-- why not buy from German-Lederhosen? As mentioned earlier we are owned by Ernst Licht, a big name in the US Traditional German goods manufacturer and importer. We have been in the game for over 30 years, seriously, traditional German clothing is our bread and butter!

Anymore questions? Give us a call, send us an email, or visit one of our stores!

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

All About Traditional Lederhosen Or Authentic Lederhosen

Each festival has its particular ensemble. Each outfit is planned and coordinated to become as close to the traditional attire as possible. In Germany the lederhosen outfits are especially prestigious for the celebrations or incidental festivals.

Sprucing up in the correct outfit will influence you to appreciate the celebration with more bliss and fun. Indeed, these outfits hold verifiable significance as they are being used since 1970's. Lederhosen are really cowhide pants combined with the suspenders and drop down pads. You do have a choice of picking an outfit in knee length which is additionally eluded as bundhosen. These German outfits are made out of value cowhide material which is enduring, very tough and indestructible material.

The most well-known spots where you can wear these ensembles are Oktoberfest and Halloween celebrations. These ensembles offer particular looks from customary outfits including witches, vampires and some more. These outfits are an awesome decision as they are intended to give comfort without trading off the style. Finish the look with suspenders, dark colored shoes, long white socks and an elevated cap with a feather on it. The classy appearance of the cutting edge ensembles have allured many people worldwide and have attracted many people to Oktoberfest.

There are a lot of different outfits to look at yet the lederhosen have unmatchable flare which makes them unique in relation to every other ensemble. They will give you the traditional kick you need for your Oktoberfest celebrations, Halloween parties, or German club meetings. You can even modify your outfit according to your own taste and inclination. They are very variable for different occasions depending on the type of leather used. So, if you are looking for Oktoberfest lederhosen, German lederhosen, or traditional lederhosen, visit - German